
Can Gamification Close the Engagement Gap of Generation Y? A pilot study on the digital startup sector in Berlin

Avo Schönbohm, Katharina Urban

ISBN 978-3-8325-3848-4
127 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
Preis: 19.80 €
Can Gamification Close the Engagement Gap of Generation Y? A pilot study on the digital startup sector in Berlin
Gaming engages. How can employment become more attractive and fun? Only 16% of German employees are fully engaged and willing to go `the extra mile' for their company. This perceived engagement gap - which is aggravated by the new work ethics of Generation Y - offers a significant case for value creation and strategic opportunities for companies worldwide.

This book analyses the question of whether gamification has the potential to close this engagement gap. It offers a literature review of the emerging topic and creatively and critically develops new ideas. Data from a pilot study on the digital startup sector in Berlin shows a positive impact of gamification on employee engagement. This informative work is directed at people interested in new business trends, business students, gamification researchers and human resources practitioners.

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Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • Gamifaction
  • Generation Y
  • Motivation
  • Engagement


19.80 €
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