Proceedings of Software Engineering and Quality Assurance
Roland Petrasch, Songsak Rongviriyapanich (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-8325-3399-1
86 pages, year of publication: 2013
price: 29.00 €
This technical report documents the joint activities in the context of the cooperation between the Thammasat University, Department of Computer Science (Bangkok, Thailand) and the Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Department for Informatics and Media (Berlin, Germany).
The main focus is on software engineering, IT project management and quality assurance. The report contains the following contributions:
- Extending Platform Independent Model with Security Features (Nattakan Suppajak, Songsakdi Rongviriyapanish)
- Development of a General Rule-Set for Human Computer Interaction Patterns (Kirsten Westphal, Roland Petrasch)
- Model Based User Interface Development and HCI Patterns: The Registration-Pattern as an Example (Roland Petrasch)
- Productivity and Maintainability in Extreme Programming and Waterfall-based Projects (Charinya Klakhang, Songsakdi Rongviriyapanish, Taweesup Apiwattanapong)
- Model-Driven Software Development with Xtext (Max Goltzsche)