Ambient Intelligence in Metropolitan Regions
B. Weyers, Nelson Baloian, Wolfram Luther (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-8325-3643-5
240 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
Preis: 40.00 €
In August 2013, researchers from Germany, Chile, and China came together in Santiago de Chile to discuss topics like collaborative systems, human computer interaction, context awareness and ubiquitous computing, cultural heritage and virtual museums, energy management systems, and reliable computing and uncertainty. This book presents their contributions to the SADUE 13 workshop on ambient intelligence in metropolitan regions, a cutting-edge topic in computer science today.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)
- computer science
- ambient intelligence
- collaborative systems
- human computer interaction
| 40.00 € |
auf Lager |
Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands |
| 38.00 € |
| 50.00 € |
| 54.00 € | |
(D) = innerhalb Deutschlands
(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands
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