Economic Migrants in International Law and Policy. Selected Issues and Challenges
Bogumil Terminski
ISBN 978-3-8325-4761-5
235 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Preis: 38.00 €
In recent years international labour migrations and its social consequences have become one of the key issues on the international agenda. Changing image of the economic mobility strongly affected domestic policies, activities of international organizations and international law. The growing dynamic of economic migration and the transformation of this process becoming a source of challenges for the various areas of international law including international labour law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law. The book discusses the most important documents concerning regulation of migration and international protection of migrant workers.
The author devotes attention to the practical activities of all intergovernmental organizations (UN, ILO, UNHCR, EU, COE, OSCE, OAS) dealing with the issue of international migration. A significant part of the book is focused on the legal context of currently observed problems such as undocumented migration, human trafficking, socio-economic rights of migrants, deportation, employment of migrants, access to health care institutions, the issue of asylum and the rights of specific categories of economic migrants. Considerations presented in this book are based on in-depth analysis of more than hundred international treaties and documents focused on international migrations. The book presents the most important international initiatives concerning protection of economic migrants between 1919 and 2018.
Bogumil Terminski is a specialist in international human rights law, international migration law, and the social context of internal displacement. He studied international relations, political sciences and international human rights law in Warsaw, New York, Paris, and Geneva. His latest publications include ``Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement: Causes, Consequences and Socio-Legal Context'' (Stuttgart, 2015), ``Migration, Refugees and Internal Displacement in the Era of Globalization'' (Regensburg, 2016) and ``Internal Displacement: Causes, Consequences and Future Challenges'' (Regensburg, 2016).
Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)
- International Law
- Human Rights
- Migration
- Labour Law
- Migrant Workers
| 38.00 € |
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Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands |
| 35.50 € |
| 48.00 € |
| 52.00 € | |
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(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands
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