
Students’ Competency Development During Study Abroad. A Critical Incident Analysis

Friederike Kittelmann

ISBN 978-3-8325-5588-7
215 pages, year of publication: 2022
price: 43.50 €
Students’ Competency Development During Study Abroad. A Critical Incident Analysis
Study abroad is often a highlight in a student's university life and is associated with a variety of developmental gains. But what happens during the time abroad that facilitates these changes? Using the personal narratives shared by students of two higher education institutions while spending a semester abroad, this study analyzed the critical incidents which contribute to their competency development during this time.

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  • Higher Education
  • Study Abroad
  • Competency / Kompetenzen
  • Global Learning
  • International Education


43.50 €
in stock

42.00 €
53.50 €
57.50 €

(D) = Within Germany
(W) = Abroad

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